Collectors can choose to buy and sell Moments or Hype NFTs on the UFC Strike Marketplace to create their perfect collection.
Buying NFTs
To purchase a Moment or Hype NFT, head to the Marketplace by clicking on the Marketplace button at the top of the screen. On the left-hand side, you'll be able to view either Moments or Hype NFTs that are listed for sale so make sure to select the right tab. You can also use the search bar or filters to search for the specific NFT that you're looking for. Once you have found what you'd like to purchase, click Buy Now.
From here, you'll be taken to the NFT page which has details about the NFT you'd like to purchase. Hit Select and Buy to see the serial numbers that are available for purchase.
Select the serial that you would like to purchase and then click the 'Buy' button at the bottom to continue.
You'll be taken to your Dapper Wallet in the form of a pop-up window where you will be able to select your preferred payment method to purchase. Once you have completed your purchase, the pop-up will automatically close and it may take a few minutes to process the transaction. After the transaction completes, you will see a successful confirmation page showing you the NFT you have purchased.
Listing NFTs
The first step is to head to your Marketplace collection. You can do this by clicking on the Marketplace button at the top of the screen. Once you're there, click on your avatar on the top right-hand side of the page and select View My NFTs in the drop-down menu.
When you're on this screen, you will be able to see all of the NFTs that you own in your collection with two tabs separating your UFC Strike Moments and Hype NFTs. This page will also show you any NFTs that you currently have for sale.
Once you click on the NFT that you wish to sell, you'll see the details of the NFT along with the option to List For Sale. Click on List For Sale in order to sell your NFT.
On the next screen, you will be given the option to enter the price you'd like to list your NFT at. This will be the price that is set for other collectors to purchase your NFT. There are also details from the Marketplace that can help you to price your NFTs and the funds you should expect to receive once it has been sold (minus Marketplace fees).
Please Note: Ensure you have double-checked the NFT you'd like to list and the price you'd like to list. NFTs that are on the Marketplace can sell quickly and we are unable to reverse transactions for NFTs that have been mistakenly sold.
Once you decide on the price, enter it and click List For Sale. You'll be sent to your Dapper Wallet to confirm the transaction so make sure your pop-ups are enabled. It can take a few minutes for the transaction to complete.
After the transaction completes, you'll be able to head back to your collection page from the Marketplace and see any listings on the Marketplace indicated by the For Sale indicator on the top left-hand side of the NFT.
Delisting NFTs
If you no longer want to sell your NFTs or if you've mistakenly listed one for sale, you can easily delist them from the Marketplace.
First, you'll need to navigate back to your Marketplace collection as mentioned above. From there, you can easily distinguish the NFTs that are listed by the For Sale indicator on the top left-hand side of the NFT.
Select the NFT that you would like to delist from the Marketplace. You will be brought to the NFT listing page which will include information about that NFT, including the sales history, listing price and the current Owner (which would be you).
Click on the Remove Listing button to begin delisting your NFT. You'll be brought back to your Dapper Wallet in a pop-up window to confirm the delisting. This may take a few minutes to complete the transaction.
Once the transaction is complete, you're done! The NFT has been delisted from the Marketplace and will be safely stored in your collection until you decide what you'd like to do with it.